As you know, I'm a big believer in "your journey".
Some say that 'term' is waaayyyy over used.
But...I really like the word and all the images it conjures up in my brain, so I'm gonna go with it.
One thing I find when I'm talking with women who are still uncertain of the path to take to begin their own journey is that they haven't embraced it themselves.
And I know you will hesitate to take that first step forevah if you aren't sure of what step to take.
So, I say this about that 😉...
You might
never be sure of the direction your journey needs to point to and you most certainly won't know the destination at all times, but as long as you embrace the new adventures, be open to what it can bring to your soul, heart, and mind, then you're ready.
You just have to embrace it first...