How Many Issues ?

So many, I could get a discount...

You know, I saw two things recently that really bounced off each was a video I watched and the other was an email I received.

They had nothing to do with each

other, yet they were intertwined in my brain, for some reason.

But y'all know my brain is a little intertwined with all sorts of things sometimes and this was no different.

Now, I'm not going to tell you here what those two things were, but I lay it all out on the Monday Motivation can check it out right here.


You know, the things we do to make a gift! 😉

I've shared a few other cool things to make from wine corks so I'll just let that 'theme' continue. We have a bucket full of them (my hoarder-enabling hubby thinks it's cool to keep them!), and I keep saying...WHAT are we gonna do with these?

Well, I think I'll start with making some day.  These look pretty easy and Tater could probably even make them for gifts....

That's appropriate, right?  An 11 year old giving her other grandparents Christmas Ornaments made from wine corks?

Yeah, maybe I'll just give them to her teachers.

Wait...dang it...maybe that's not cool either?

Ok, I'll just make some and put them on MY tree....

Yes...THAT's it!

See, I love it when a plan comes together!

As a quick reminder, here's the other things I shared with wine corks!

My calendar might explode...
The next 3 weeks are jam-packed with stuff for me (and my family, because ALL the calendars effect me...because we're the ones that hold it all together, right?), starting with a new business consulting client I have, and continuing with the BEAM Women's Conference, speaking engagements and Daddy Doctor Days.

Often, I think...wonder what it would be like to have nothing on the calendar and it's been SO long since that happened, that I have NO idea!

Which lead me to think of something else....I need a hobby for when I am less busy - ha!

What is your hobby?  What do you do in your down time?  I think it's so important to rest your brain and I'm gonna work harder on doing just that!

It's There...I'm sure of it...
There's magic in all of us...sometimes it's just hidden a little better and that makes it a little harder to find.

And sometimes, we doubt it's there at all, because we're covered in dust and day dreams, and lost in spin cycles and sugar coated lies.

But it's's always been there.  And you owe it to yourself to dig that magic out anyway you can. 

Even if it's a tablespoon at a time, dig deep until you find that magic and then hold on to it tighter than you've even held onto anything.

You've got go grab that magic!
I wish you a wonderful, happy week....full of laughter & love,
and glitter & grace

Scattered Sasha, PO Box 118, Connelly Springs, North Carolina 28612 , United States

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