And just
like that...

It's October.

There's only 3 more months of 2018.

Less than 3 months until Christmas and less than 2 months until Thanksgiving.

I think about the holidays and all the drama, over zealous everything, and the chaos meter hitting new highs and I think....I'll just hibernate for the months of November and December.


Sounds pretty good, right?

Well, since that's not really something I can do, I have decided to think about what I can do to make it go a little smoother.  

I talk more about this in the Monday Motivation can check it out here.


Zoom Zoom was Fabulous!

Our zoom call last night was great...lots of chatting, laughing, discovering and just having a good time with friends.

What could be better!

You can catch the replay if you didn't get to join us, but be sure to put the October Zoom call on your calendar now:  Sunday, October 28th at 9:00 pm ET

Here's the link to see the replay from last night: Zoom Call

Password Protected!
It's October 1st and that means a NEW Password is needed for the GGC!!

I take protecting our community pretty seriously so each month, I change the password and anyone that has cancelled their membership, doesn't get the newsletter or the change. 

So...for October, it is....

WHERE is the G&GC????
You might have heard (ha!) I totally redid my website.  

Like....completely redid it. 

The fact that I was able to do that still has me shaking my head but I'm gonna go with it and hopefully (fingers crossed) leave it like this for a while.  

Ok, I'm already planning some changes but they are more 'additions' and 'clarifying' issues than anything else.

BUT...the BIG question is...WHERE did the Glitter & Grace Club Go?

My goal was to make it easier, more streamlined and  to make sense.

I'm not sure that last part happened, but I moved the GGC under the "Work With Me" tab. 

As I pursue this Certification in Life Coaching, (3 different ones - WHAT was I thinking), it made sense that the GGC was part of what 'working with me' is.

So...that's how MY brain wrapped around the idea.

And NOW you know exactly WHERE the GGC resides!

But in case you don't want to have to even think about it, here's a handy-dandy link: Glitter & Grace Club Link
Lemme Know!!
I want the Glitter & Grace Club to be epic, fabulous, and amazing all at the same time!

So, I'd love your feedback!

I adore the daily emails (that might be my favorite part), and I love the zoom calls, and honestly, I really love sending the birthday cards and gifts (my apologies if they're occasionally late...).

The downloads are cool and I use one on my laptop and my phone (and yes, will be adding more).

As the Club has grown and progressed, (it's been a year y'all!), I've removed some things that got no interaction, were too cumbersome to benefit anyone or I just wasn't feeling it.

So....I'd love your ideas.

What could I add that would make it even more enjoyable? much as I'd love to give everyone a beach (or mountain) vacation, that's probably not realistic - ha!

Lemme know....really, I'd love to hear what you think!
I wish you a wonderful, happy week....full of laughter & love,
and glitter & grace

Scattered Sasha, PO Box 118, Connelly Springs, North Carolina 28612 , United States

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