You know, I don't really decorate for any holiday other than Christmas. In my previous life (ha) I had decorations for all the holidays....and loved putting it all out. I don't know if I got done with the decorations or with the decorat ING. I think it's a little bit of both. For me, if I have to move a ton of stuff that's already out ( 'stuff' that I call decorating), put it somewhere and then pull out seasonal things, enjoy them for a few weeks, then pack it all back up, take it somewhere to pack away and then get my 'usual' stuff out again....well...I'm already tired just thinking about it! So, these pumpkins make total sense. I don't have to remove anything, because I can just put them on m
porch. Easy peasy. And the other criteria is that are actually something I could make quickly. AND they have glitter? Yes, please....they're the one! Here's the link and directions! Confetti Pumpkins