
March 4, 2019
Happy Monday Motivation, y'all!
Change for the good....
I think one of the reasons change is scary is because of what it means when you make a change....that whatever you were doing, or however something was before, was wrong.  And that's why a change is needed.  

I don't think that's it at all!  Change can often mean you've found a better way, or a new way you want to try, or you now see things in a different way.

I talk all about it in this week's Monday Motivation video...and you can find it here: 
Good Stuff Ahead!
Glitter & Grace
all over the place!

Have you ever thought that it would be great to spend a couple of days with a group of women that just get you?  That want to see you happy, and joyful and have no interest in judging you or allowing guilt of any kind?  
That's what happens at the Glitter & Grace Gathering (G3) dancing, a fun photo booth, a live show and the memories that last a life time.  July 19-21 in Hickory, NC and tickets are on sale now!  G3 Tickets!
What are your 'red shoes'?

There's a line in the movie Dumplin that goes like this:  "Go Big or Go Home, but either way, do it in a red pair of shoes!"

I love the thoughts around this....the illusion of power that the red shoes bring to whatever you are dealing with. The feeling that these red shoes can get you through a tough decision.

We all have a red pair of shoes....mine are cowboy boots, and lacy hose. 

Does this mean you're using something to get you through a tough time?
No.  It means you surround yourself with things you love and that make you feel better when you have them close.  It means you like the way you look when you wear them.  It means when you have your red shoes on, your confidence is higher and you can accomplish more.

We absolutely feel differently when we are wearing our favorite things and it just makes sense that if we have to do something that's tough, we want to have those things close.  So....what are your red shoes?
Change is good
(see above and maybe the video...)

When I discovered leggings 2 years ago, I went all in.  I must have 30 pair and wear them almost exclusively.  Even in the summer, I will wear them most of the time, switching up with a summer dress occasionally.

But the other night, Tater and I were eating at our favorite BBQ restaurant, and there was a woman with an outfit on that changed everything.  (I wonder if she has any idea what she did!!!!).

She had on what I would describe as Bohemian, Gypsy, or Shabby Chic. It was lots of lace, ruffles, layers and
pure awesomeness.

Now...I don't tell you this so you'll be noticing my (hopefully, soon to be) new style, but to tie it all back in to this weeks video. 

Were the leggings I wore daily for 2 years wrong?

Heck no!  I don't know that I'll EVER get rid of my leggings!  I'm even a rep for the company (you can find them here: Leggings).  

But...I fell in LOVE with that style and knew that I wanted a change. But the bigger thing is this:  I'm ready for a change.  

And when you're ready for a change, it's much easy to make it happen....'s a secret!!

The Password changed March 1st (as usual) and just in case you missed it on Friday....the password for March is:

Other Goodness you might like!
Make it happen!

24 hours.

We got away for 24 hours all by ourselves.

That hadn't happened for 2 or so years.  And I wouldn't have thought it would make any difference at all...those 24 hours.

Boy, was I wrong.

The time to disconnect, get away from life, and just hang out was glorious.

Will we do it every month?

Ha ~ It'll probably be another 2 years before we can make it happen again.

But...I highly recommend it any time you can!

When you need a reminder that you are indeed fabulous, you can read a funny story, check out the life lesson that goes with it, then use that lesson to guide you to your best life.

And if you need a minute to chill, there are color sheets to take your mind off whatever it is that is clouding it over.

Your Fabulous is Showing is a journey, taking you along for the ride, like a group of girlfriends having a glass or wine or a cup of coffee, while they sit around and laugh, solve each others problems and hug it all out.

You can find it here:
Your Fabulous is Showing Book
We do life....

The social media scroll will show you all kinds of perfection, with nary a sight of mess, chaos, or hectic life.

Sometimes, we forget that real life happens behind the scroll and usually only the best and most perfect pictures make it to your screen.

And when someone comments that I'm 'always happy', or 'always....anything', I have to laugh.

This is always my response:

Our life if not full of fabulous glitter, awesomesauce and happiness all the time. There are hissy fits, yelling, cussing, a few slamming doors, huffs, puffs, and eye rolls...

But we do life. And we do it big.....
I wish you love & laughter, and glitter & grace
this week and always!
Glitter & Grace,

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