
June 10, 2019
Happy Monday Motivation, y'all!
My meltdown remedy....
Ok it wasn't really a REMEDY....but it was an answer to the chaos.

What happens when everything is going wrong and you just can't quite seem to find the right?

I'll tell you what I do on the
Monday Motivation can find it here:  
Good Stuff Ahead!
Glitter & Grace Gathering!
Well...we're getting down to the wire now!!

The Glitter & Grace Gathering is going to be the most epic of girls weekends and I simply cannot wait to hug everyone.

And I hope one of those everyones is YOU!

Go now!! Get 'em! ➣
  G3 Tickets!
I never want to
contain the joy!

When I saw these words, I instantly fell in love with them....

How wonderful is it that we laugh because our bodies cannot contain the joy

I had never thought of it that way, but it reminded me of a lady I used to work with.  

She would laugh every time she was asked
a questions . Now, I don't think those questions gave her great joy, but I think she laughed because of a nervous habit, begun a lifetime earlier and continued just because.

And then
I thought through that notion and realized we laugh because our bodies cannot contain the joy, but we also laugh because it brings others joy, and it puts others at ease.

(Ok, maybe not the evil laugh, but let's not go there - ha!)

And isn't that a beautiful thought as well.....the power a single laugh, or smile, can have. 

So my wish for you today, , is to laugh as much as you can because there is joy inside you, and your body simply cannot contain it!
YOU are Amazing!

But I think we do forget it.

I think we forget how amazing we are all the time because life comes along and slaps us around, and we believe the garbage other people say, and dang-it, we just forget all the powerful, magical, super-hero, normal everyday stuff we do.

And ... who we are in this giant universe and

what we accomplish every single day.

But....but...."I don't do anything special".

Those are words you whisper to yourself when the days are long and you've stolen moments from every hour just to keep going.

And you're right.

You didn't do anything special.

You Are Special.

And Totally Amazing....
The UnBreakable Retreat

I have a confession....

I've never been to a retreat where the lessons gathered focused on me as a person instead of me as a business owner.

I've never been to a retreat where the gifts given were from the heart and soul, designed to give my heart and soul peace, strength, and joy.
I've never been to a retreat where my energy was valued and directed back into my mind, encouraging me to lift myself higher than I've ever been before, on my own wings.

I've never been to a retreat where the thoughts I took away were guided toward continuing my journey, leaning into the power and passion I discovered.

I've never been to a retreat where there was time, oh precious time, to consider my words and write them on forever paper, as a reminder of who I was and who I wanted to be.

And since I had never been to a retreat that fulfilled my soul with the wonder of new ideas, the sheer possibility of what lay ahead, and the tools to continue wherever I dared to dream....

I created one.

I am beyond excited to announce The UnBreakable Retreat.

Find out all the fabulous details right here: Details
With Brave Wings...

This story has nothing to do with wings...yet everything to do with wings.

I saw a picture a Facebook friend (that's a new term, yes?) posted that had her standing in front of the most beautiful, exquisite, colorful wings I had ever seen.

She lives in California, and I was not surprised that there were just random wings painted on just-as-random walls in California.

After all, that is a magical place filled with beautiful people and unanswered dreams.

I saved that picture, thinking if I ever made it to the other side of the US, I'd have to find those wings and take a picture.

And then ... Friday happened.

And here is where the story changes pace a little bit.

We were going to dinner at a really fanCEE place, located in an old building in a small town.  We had to drive around the block twice to find a parking space and on that second time around, I saw them.

There was an empty lot beside the last building on that block and right there, painted on that wall, were the most magnificent pair of wings I'd ever seen.  There were other pieces of art painted there as well, but I honestly don't remember what they were.

I told my husband that I must take my picture with those wings.

But...alas, it was raining, we had a reservation, and things were on a timer.

After dinner, with the rain temporarily stopped, we stepped out of the restaurant and headed to the truck.

My husband said, "Oh don't you want to take a picture with the wings?"

And right there....that was the moment I had to decide.

It would have been really easy to just shrug and say, "Nah, another time" and keep walking.  After all, it was a bit of was in the opposite direction of the truck, there were now many cars in that lot, Mac would have to take my picture in front of possibly many people that would surely judge my vanity, I had a to-go box....

Yes, I could think of all sorts of reasons Not to go take that picture. that moment, I made the very best decision.

I said, 'yes'.

I very intentionally walked the extra steps, I laid down my very nice beaded purse in the cleanest gravel I could find, and I posed like the paparazzi were fighting for space.

THIS is the result.

this is where the real story comes in.

IF I hadn't taken that moment to say
YES, I wouldn't have this picture.

I wouldn't know the thrill of having giant, magnificent, exquisite wings at my back, framing me with glory and happiness, and making me feel like a super star.

So, my gigantic advice to you is this: Say YES.

to whatever it is that you're thinking of doing but are letting some self imposed fear keep you from doing it.

SAY YES to the new things.

SAY YES to the old things that you want to try again.

SAY YES to the dreams, and the goals, and the lifetime of wants and needs you've tucked away somewhere waiting for 'when the time is right.'

SAY YES  to you....

Other Goodness you might like!
What was
that again???

So, I posted the password right here last week.

And it was wrong!

How crazy is THAT?

So, I'll post it here again, because you could have possibly gotten the wrong one...ahem. 

Since I put the wrong one here, it's a sure bet - Lawd!

The password for June is


Copy it, remember it, burn it...bwahahaha!  Just kidding!  If you ever forget it, you can always email or message me!

Enjoy hanging around in the club...there's lots of really good stuff in there and you can find it all right ➣ here!
Seems pretty simple, right?

"Have Fun!"

That's something that's tossed out to people as they head out on an adventure, or a date night, or even to a company party.

But...we don't think about 'having fun' in everyday life very often.

And shouldn't THAT be the time we need to have the MOST fun?

When life is just happening all around us, and we're trying to get through the day?

Yep...that' Definitely the time to Have Fun!

So....let me be the first to tell you today...

Have FUN!!!

There, I said it, now you have to do it 😉
Let's hang out!

It's been a whirlwind of events and reschedules and cancelled things.  Here's the latest.  

July 19-21: Glitter & Grace Gathering ~ Hickory, NC .  Tickets

August 15:
Entrepreneu(Her) In the City: Business Women Networking ~ Charlotte, NC  (Tickets not on sale yet)

September 13: FABWomen's Conference  (Opening Keynote Speaker) ~ Richmond, VA
(Tickets coming this week.)

September 18: WOW Women of West Lincoln: Business Women Networking ~ Denver, NC
(Tickets not available yet.)

October 12: Women Empower X ~ Raleigh, NC. Applied, haven't heard yet.

I wish you love & laughter, and glitter & grace
this week and always!
Glitter & Grace,

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