we've all got going on.
When someone says the words, "Bowling Alley", you have a certain picture that pops into your head. It depends on your personal experience with bowling alleys, or the images you conjured up when others talked about one.
You've labeled all the bowling alleys in the world based on your perceptions about them. Don't worry, we all do that!
Now....think about the owner of this bowling alley. He knew that there were preconceived notions and ideas about bowling alleys but he wanted his to be special. Fancy. Classy.
So, he just put that label on it.
And you instantly thought differently about it!
(I mean...you did, right?)
Stay with me here.....when we label ourselves with whatever labels we slap on our skin (ugly, fat, short, tall, skinny, old, wrinkled, stupid, blah blah blah), people will treat us as those labels.
Boom...just like that....it all comes together with a bowling alley and suddenly the sky has cleared and now you will label yourself like the classy bowling alley that you are....fabulous, magnificent, brilliant, beautiful, genius, sparkly, and all the glorious labels out there that truly describe who you are.
So....write it on your skin if you need to, but most definitely label yourself inside with all the good stuff.