August 12, 2019
Happy Monday Motivation, y'all!
Don't try to up-crap me...
....or something like that - ha!  This week's video is about owning your own struggle and not letting anyone lessen it with good-natured, well intended comments about how it could be worse. could.  We all know that.  BUT, you have to acknowledge it to be able to get through it.

It'll all make much more sense after you see it in the Monday Motivation can find it here:  
Good Stuff Ahead!
The UnBreakable Retreat
I think we all need....yes I said take a day just for us.  Not just because this is the Retreat that's on my heart, but because I know it's true of me and many of my friends.  So.....since it's something we need, see what you think!

Do yourself a favor .... click this word and see what it would mean for you ➣  
Calm Rest...

My mama took a nap every day, without fail, usually around 15-20 minutes.  Two things always amazed me about that:

#1) She could fall asleep quickly enough to take 15-20 minutes (sometimes I lay awake for hours!)

#2) She said she needed that nap every single day and she took it!

Now, something else that's pretty amazing, is that my mama was 88 years old when she passed away 4 years ago, so I have to think she was a little bit ahead of her time.  she would have laughed and thought that was ridiculous.

So, why is it so hard for us to do the same?  And I'm totally raising my hand over here...because I'm continually not taking

good enough care of myself.

For some reason, in this time of the world wide webs, more info than we can consume, and people tell us all over the place what to do....we still can't make it happen.

(Heck, I'm having a whole retreat around it - shameless plug ;) )

So, if you're
still struggling (hell0, my name is Sasha...) with doing things to take care of YOU, remember's been a practice for years and years.  We just can't seem to let go of the moments that it takes to practice it now.

And now...commit!

Commit to doing it for you.  Start with 5 minutes...that's it, 5 minutes will get you going. Tomorrow....make a plan (and stick with it!) to set a timer for 5 minutes and think...think about you.  What you want, what your dreams and hopes are, what you want your life to look like in the future.

I can't wait to hear what you think about ~ because that's the first step to taking time for you!

You know it's coming...

Yeah Yeah...I KNOW it's blazing hot all over the place.

But I can't help it wishful thinking, or being ahead of the game (bwhahahahaha) or just that I'm really really thinking about cooler weather (and boots....I'm really thinking about boots...).

But I love fall and found some beautiful fall backgrounds/wallpaper for your phone!  You can find more than 20 new ones right here!

I'm using the one of major jar with lights coming out of it into the night right now....I swear, I am way too addicted to these things!

Do you have a favorite!?

Why would we ever be
afraid to sparkle???

When we show up loud and bright, sometimes it threatens some people. it or not, we allow those threatened to dim our light.

We don't want to outshine them, or appear to be something more, but ... what if I could Twist Your Thinking about that whole thing? 
What if, instead of feeling like we had to dim our light to let others shine, we shine our light on others so they can focus on getting their light brighter.

Ok, is that sappy, feel good stuff that's just nonsense?

Some would think so, but I'm a firm believer in the power of allowing others to sparkle and shine, because there's plenty of light for all of us.  And I also believe we could all use every single beam of light that we can find.

Don't be afraid to Sparkle....
Other Goodness you might like!

Y' you have a friend like this?

I do...and sometimes it can be weeks before we 'call back' and we get it.

We understand that life happens, and it's all we can do some days to keep our head above water.

So yes, this really resonated with me.  It's hard when others expect more of you than you can give.  And, in this season of my life, that's frequently the case right now.  So it's a good thing to have those in your life that get it, too!

Listen up!

Y'all, I am loving the podcast!  Nope...never thought I'd say that but honestly, I love the conversations.

And guess what???

I talked Tater into being my guest this week!

I can't wait for y'all to hear that one on Thursday, because she's a pistol to talk to - ha!

You can find them here:  Podcast!
Let's hang out!

Here's the latest.  

August 15:
Entrepreneu(Her) In the City: Business Women Networking ~ Charlotte, NC  

September 13: FABWomen's Conference  (Opening Keynote Speaker) ~ Richmond, VA

September 18: WOW Women of West Lincoln: Business Women Networking ~ Denver, NC
(Tickets not available yet.)

I wish you love & laughter, and glitter & grace
this week and always!
Glitter & Grace,

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