Happy Monday Motivation, y'all!
Bubble wrap for your soul...
Words...how can they change your world? With tiny whispers and small suggestions tossed all over the place.
I'm a word person....and I believe in their power and what they hold.
So that's what I talked about on the Monday Motivation video.......you can find it here:
The UnBreakable Retreat
When you think about all the things you do just for you, how many are there? My guess is there are very few.
And that guess is based on how many there are in my world for me.
The UnBreakable Retreat is just for you.
Write it Down...all of it!
My lists are usually scribbles on a scratch piece of paper, notes to myself about details I'm sure to forget otherwise.
And I might have mentioned how important affirmations are in our world, and even have some printed on postcards that I hand out like candy to cranky kids and I always make sure whoever I'm giving them to know how important it is to keep
Our brains are sorta like that.....they are truly amazing things and what they allow us to do is nothing short of miraculous.
BUT.....if you continually tell yourself (ahem...your brain) negative things, and surround yourself with a life that's not finding any joy, then your brain has no choice but to believe it.
Let's feed it this instead: Joy, Truth, Love, Laughter, and Good Vibes all over the place.
Yes, there will still be negative words popping all over the place, but bubble wrap your brain in some goodness and let that be what you feel....even if it's just for a short time, it'll make a difference!
Nahhh, Don't Think So!
I'm not really good at doing what I'm told. I don't mean in a 'break the law' kinda way, unless it's speeding - ha.
But more of a "why don't you do it this way" kind of way.
Yeah, that's clear.
And just to continue the clear thought...I've always been this way. From high school to
my last employer that wasn't me. I sorta bristle up a little bit when someone tries to tell me what to do.
And that might be why I #1) now work from home alone and #2) am a really good coach.
WAIT A MINUTE! Doesn't a coach (life, business, spiritual, or any other kind) tell you WHAT to do?
Nope. That would be a teacher. Think about being in school and having the teacher tell you what to do.
Coaching is an opportunity to rewire your brain. (The name of my Coaching Business is Twist Your Thinking Coaching...). See, the brain is a muscle and you want to build and grow any muscle you have. And the purpose of coaching is to give you the building blocks to grow your brain.
We are all 'wired' a specific way due to our culture, our childhood, outside and inside influences and we bring all those things to the table when we start thinking about life and what we want out of it.
So to Twist your Thinking, you have to figure out what you think, how you think and why. And then, you have to reframe the way you think, or chip away at a belief system that you've held onto for a long time. Then you discover a new belief system and work toward growing that until it becomes something you do unconsciously.
It's not only possible to rewire your brain to a new belief system, it's probable when you work with a coach that can help give you the tools you need to do it.
The last pieces of the Life Purpose Quest session will be up next week, and then we'll start on a new one.
My goal is to record all the sessions and have them up weekly instead of the monthly drops for the current one (ain't gonna lie...summer kicked my butt!).
I can tell you this: Having a life coach, and deciding to go down this path for my certifications changed my life. I look at things differently and am able to deal with and handle things in a much better way and I'm so very grateful for this opportunity to help others do the same.
I am exploring small group coaching sessions, which would be held online, live via zoom with a maximum of 10 people. If this is something you're interested in exploring, please drop me a reply to this and let me know and when it launches, I'll make sure you get the details.
Tell me!
Do NOT tell me!
This is your journaling prompt and you don't have to tell anyone what you're writing.
BUT....I would love to know if you love the prompts? Have they made a difference? Did you hit up the school sales and get a glittery notebook to use as your journal? (I might have...)
Remember...there are no rules. Write whatever you think the answer is...because there are no right or wrong answers. Heck, there aren't even any 'answers'...just your thoughts! And I'm
gonna repeat what I said about them last week in case you didn't remember or didn't get around to checking this out.... ↴
Here's the cool part (who am I kidding...it's all cool!): There are no rules!
- You can start any time you want to
- There isn't any length requirement
- There isn't any time requirement
- You can print them out or get a notebook (NOTEBOOKS!!!!) and rewrite each one
- They will all be in the club, each one added weekly
These are designed to make you think outside your comfort zone, but not so far out you're afraid you'll never find your way back in! Be honest with your writing...this is just for you and if you don't write what you're feeling, it probably won't help.
These prompts are designed to help you discover more about you....it's already inside you, but sometimes it gets stuck under the ugly box of feelings, negativity, guilt. So writing it down...honestly, openly, and freely, helps you see it and THAT's pretty magical!
So, print this out (click here ➣ Prompt to get the sheet), hole punch that pretty thing and slap it in a notebook....or snag one of your kids 😉 and start writing!!!
Yours to share!
Just a little reminder. And if you need to remind anyone else, feel free to share this...you should be able to right click it if you're on your phone and save it to your images.
It's yours to share 💗
And just maybe, you'll remember that ... you are enough....
Other Goodness you might like!
I like a boa....
a lot!
In case you didn't hear - ha - I was the opening keynote speaker for the FABwomen conference this past Friday.
One of the coolest things was the photo booth...because y'all know I love me a photo booth and this one had Props.
But I brought my own 😉...you travel with your boa, right?
I have a short 7 minute clip from the speech, and it's audio only. The cover pic is me with the boa AND crazy purple glasses, so it's hard to miss - ha!
Here's the link if you'd like to hear what I talk about almost every time I get the chance: FABwomen clip
It's a mission I am passionate about and one I continue to push as often as possible because I see and hear about the labels we allow others to put on us almost every day....so I'll continue. Enjoy!
A bunch of Thursdays...
Yesterday, I watched "Rumor has it" with Jennifer Aniston and Kevin Costner. It was a cute movie that I had never seen, even though it was 15 years old.
There was one line in the movie that will stick with me for the rest of my days, y'all....
"Life should be a little nuts...otherwise it's just a bunch of Thursdays strung together..."
Now, no offense to Thursdays, but WOW!
I'm torn between the calm and safety of the Thursdays in my life, and the adventure that awaits out in the big wide world. I'm afraid I'll miss most of it, and I'll simply run out of time.
So, I'll access, adjust, and think on it...which is what I do. But that quote, y'all....it was powerful!
And the movie was good, too....I mean Kevin Coster?
Let's hang out!
Here's the latest.
September 18: WOW Women of West Lincoln: Business Women Networking ~ Denver, NC (SOLD OUT)
Date TBD: Jasper & Fern: Lounge & Learn ~ Winston-Salem, NC
Date TBD: Cupcakes, Coffee & Connection: Presentation ~ Winston-Salem, NC
Where next?: Do you have, or know of, an event that needs a speaker? If so, give them my info, send them to the website, or shoot me an email! I'd love to chat with them!
I wish you love & laughter, and glitter & grace
this week and always!