
December 23, 2019
Happy Monday Motivation, y'all!
December Password:  glitter57     Link to Club: Glitter & Grace Club
That mountain isn't that high....
Gratitude takes a lot of funny twists and turns...we sometimes feel like we should be grateful for something when we just don't feel grateful at all.  BUT....when we look back, sometimes way back, we realized just how far we've come and what we've accomplished and how much growth we'd had as a person.

And that's pretty magical.

Find out exactly what I'm talking about on the Monday Motivation can find it here:  
Good Stuff Ahead!
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a
Joyous Season!

Ah, that holiday smell is all over the place, isn't it?  The scent of trees filled with holly and tinsel, the gingerbread baking (or brownies!), and hot chocolate-filled cups topped with whipped cream.

Oh wait, THAT's a Hallmark Movie.

Real life sounds like kids screaming, smells
like burned toast, and feels like the top is blowing off the pressure cooker.

BUT .... that's real life and that's where we are, and that's how we roll.  

So, if you can take a breath, if you can pause for a full minute, if you can think of that happy place that can bring you it as often as you can.

Celebrate the moments, enjoy the magic, and give yourself a hug for getting through it all.

I'm so honored, and happy you are a part of the Glitter & Grace Club,
and I hope this season is one of pure joy!
365 New Days....

Each year, around this time, you start to see the posts and memes about starting the new year off gives you 365 new days, and new pages to write in 'your' book.

Well....that's true.

BUT...why oh why wait until January 1 to begin?
I'm all for beginning the moment you need to begin....the moment you want to begin and the moment you feel it in your soul.

Begin what? you ask....

Whatever it is you want to begin.

Because that's almost always the hardest part....beginning.

Your next chapter is going to be amazing....and I can't wait to be right here in the stands cheering you on!
Your Load is
Weighing You Down...

We sure do carry a lot of things, don't we?  The weight of the world sometimes finds itself squarely on our shoulders.

And, if we're honest, we pick up those things that we really don't need to be carrying....piling them on top of what's already there, and struggling under the weight of a load that wasn't ours to begin with.

Sure, it's absolutely necessary to carry part of all of the load when there is need....but it's also absolutely necessary to know when the load is too heavy and a burden to ourselves to continue carrying it....because we are at risk of buckling under the weight.
Why do you think we struggle to let those things go that weren't ours to begin with?  

I think it's because we are givers, and want to fix the world around us.  I know that's it for me....I'm a recovering fixer - ha.

But, I finally realized that by carrying the load of others, I was denying them the strength to carry the heavier loads that were coming.  They needed to carry these loads so they would be ready for the next load.  And if I took that away from them....well, they might never be ready.

So....put down those bags of guilt, the bags of pressure, the bags of 'should haves' and 'what ifs'...and give them to those that need to carry them. 

You've got your own bags to carry and they're suddenly much lighter....
Wait! You can do THAT?

Have you ever heard someone say, "I wish I knew how to...." and you say, "Oh, I can show you!" happens more than you think....but if someone were to ask us what we were good at, what we could teach others, what our skills were....I gonna go out on a limb and bet we'd stutter and stammer and say, "Not much".


You are ultra talented and know so flipping much stuff that you've probably forgotten more than some will ever learn.

So, be proud and loud about it and write it down!
If you want to print the sheet you can do that here ➣ Prompt , but you can also use your fancy notebook to just write it down and get to it!
Is it really this simple?

You know...some days I think it really is this simple.

What's life?

Life is what you do with what you have while you're here.

So the question is:

What do you want to do with what you have while you're here?
Million dollar question, right?   Let's answer it in 2020...
Other Goodness you might like!

When was the last time...

you just couldn't take the sweetness?

These two....I'll tell ya.  When they are sleeping, there's nothing any sweeter...

Bwahahahahaha ~ Yep...because when they're full on conscious and awake, they are BOTH wide open 🤣

So, I take those sweet pictures to remind me they are still innocent.

And to remind her when she's older, that she was young once, and loved a dog as much as she loved anything.

Whiskey's alright, too....I guess we'll keep him....😉

When was the
last time...

you LOL'd at a meme so many times you knew you had to share it?

Ok, unfair question because I post some funny stuff - ha!

But I've seen this one several times and I just laugh every single time

So, here's the clean version. 

And I still laugh every time !
When was the
last time....

you felt as confident as a cat sitting on a dresser, looking at themselves?

Ok, that might be a weird question and all of a sudden I have two of my animals and the Tater in this issue 😉...well it is Christmas...

And that kitten is full of herself.  She prances around all over the place and really likes the mirrors.  Which are all above her head.  So she's found them.  I found her sitting in the sink looking in the mirror in the bathroom.  Then yesterday, I found this.  

And that's when I realized we should all be a little more like Buttercup....just fascinated by what we see in the mirror!

I wish you love & laughter, and glitter & grace
this week and always!
Glitter & Grace,

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